Archive Entry

Officer’s Log

We Stand Alone

Officer Jabari Juma

The servant boy would not stop screaming. He kept yelling that the Queen had left us, that she abandoned the palace for safety inland. His despair was weighing the men down. So, I slit the boy’s throat. Morale was crumbling and I had to lift it quickly.

I took position and raised my voice.

Sisi ni NANI? (who are we)

A legion roars

Sisi ni MOJA (we are one)
Sisi ni SAWA (we are the same)

SISI NI SHUJAAAAAAA (we are warriors)

We settled into a steely silence and stared down a Compagnie armada that stretched beyond the horizon. I felt no fear, I was standing shoulder-to-shoulder with the greatest warriors of all Ungwana. Each one of us would rather face death than turn tail and cower.

Archive Details

Directions: Coming Soon

Video Guide: Coming Soon