Archive Entry

Let it be known that Captain La Peste, also known as the Plague King, and his Fleet of Pestilence, are enemies of the Helm and its allies!

The villains have been raiding, plundering, and killing all across the Indian Ocean, attacking anyone in their path. Worst of all, La Peste and his lackeys have been targetting Helm operations in particular, raiding opium stores and seizing our profits for themselves. So long as La Peste lives, the Helm stands with Teuling, and the Kingpins of Sainte-Anne and Telok Penjarah against this scourge.

Do not underestimate the Fleet of Pestilence, for the poisons they use in battle leave one hampered and vulnerable to attack.

Cleansing the seas of this pestilence will need a good deal of firepower, rogues. But it’s the only way to protect trade and keep the silver flowing again.

Archive Details

Directions: This lore was available as part of the Season 1 storyline. It is not yet known how it can be reacquired.