Archive Entry

Three Brothers, 1685

Dearest Hendrick,

The spittle-shit runt of our family has done it again! No longer content with embarassing only himself. Willem now seeks to ruin the great name of Van Cleve, which we all bear. The rumours are true: our brother has turned his back on the Stadtholder and now raises the black. The petulant little cub bites the hand that feeds it.

We risk our reputation and livelihood to get him a respectable position in the DMC. Yet there were no words of gratitude from Willem, only yapping on and on about the mistreatment of his men and their lousy wages. He bought their lies and incited a mutiny. The fool thinks he is saving those wretches but he damns us all.

There is no redemption for him. But we can still save ourselves. Hendrick, my brother, I implore you, join me and we can right this wrong once and for all.

Your loving brother,

Martin Van Cleve

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Directions: Coming Soon

Video Guide: Coming Soon