Archive Entry

May 15th, 1693

Dearest Ceudah,

I haven’t stopped thinking about our day together at Karst Lookout. Looking at Telok Penjarah from the cliffs, it seemed so small and insignificant. Like we could sail away and never come back and we’d have all we need in each other. But if it weren’t for Telok Penjarah, I never would have met you. Although you were only a stall away from me in the marmet, the distance once seemed like a gulf. And now we’ve flooded it with our love.

I know you want to rejoin Rahma’s army, but I beg you to reconsider. The threat of losing you to war would be more than I could bear. Together, we could create the most beautiful ships the ocean has ever seen. The progeny of our artistry united. At night, I dream of us sailing a ship through the night sky. With you, the earth feels limitless.

I know you think I get carried away. That I’m in love with love itself. But all I know is I never felt this way until I met you.

Eternally yours in this lifetime and the next,

Steven Longarm

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