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Attention all survivors of the Susan Libre ship.

It is I, Olivier Roux, refiner of this ill-fated barge and true pirate for many a decade. I survived the wreck. Found the bodies of 100 men, buried them all.

You may think they died in vain pauvre bougres, but you should know they tasted life!

All of this rum gut is worth it, for I have made eternal friends. The old elite wankers atop call us degenerates, but i see nothing more than cherubs who plunge their hands deep into the unknown, scouring the sand for something that shines.

We don’t fear their judgement or the ghosts from the Khmoy Estate for friendship keeps them at bay. I may have fled something at one point but I have settled now, accepted my fate. C’est la vie.

If you hear of any survivor, come find me in Telok Penjarah. I may never possess honor, pride, or the regal courage celebrated by the empires, but I have a humble home overflowing with ale, come and meet me.

We will toast to old friends.

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