Archive Entry

The Weekly Warden: A Dutch Quarterly


Rempah: A Scandal-Spinning Nation


by Markus Beekhof


Last Sunday, The Rempah’s Enquirer hatched another rag. Little should you care what this local paper has to say about our heroes but were you to lay eyes on this propaganda, we thought you should be warned. An ambitious Rempahnese colonel conspired with pirates to fabricate evidence of bribery from some of the DMC’s most honorable members.

Do not let their filthy words casts a shadow of doubt in your mind. Officers of the DMC, people like Jacob de Roy, or Captain Zoutman have shown nothing but loyalty to the Crown. Every dime spent is owned most fairly and used only to further our business. They have devoted their lives to a trade that supports the development of Rempah, once nothing more than a mud pit. There are no traitors amongst our ranks.

But Rempahnese avarice shows no bounds. The enemy will do anything to invent new taxes and profit from hard work. Do not be fooled. If the Enquirer wants to slander our heroes, it is only to distract from the political debacle that plagues their palace.

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