Archive Entry

15 March, 1692


Suny Bode


Rahma’s Failed Coup D’Etat Leads to Sultanah’s Capture

By: Mudassir Irfan


SUNY CAPITAL – On the day of the attack, guards reported the Sultanah was snatched by rebels. Until today her location remains unknown.

Following her failed coup, the disgraced Admiral of the Rempahnese Navy preferred to flee rather than face the gallows. The great Traitress, as she is now called, was known to create division within the Orang Kaya. Her female-only crew, the Unbound, has been fomening dissent in the capital for months, their impetuous methods endangering the trade and the Sultanate. The week prior to the attack, Minister Koto had requested Rahma be dismissed. This morning he commented, “her devious plan is currently ongoing.”

New information reveals that Haryati is now at the mercy of the enemy. Rahma and her recreants conspired with pirates of the lowest kind to sell the Sultanah to the DMC. Koto remarked on this subject: “This is but more proof of the fallen Admiral’s malignant nature.”

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