Archive Entry

Royal Dutch Floristics Society


Naval Captain Wins First Prize for Tulips at Agricultural Fair


Karel Meyer


Leeuwarden – Commodore Van Hoek, decorated for his loyal and exemplary service in the DMC navy, was awarded first prize for his exceptional tulip specimens in Leeuwarden’s annual Agricultural Fair this past weekend.

Van Hoek swept the competition with two different entries: an immaculate Apricot Beauty tulip and a breath-taking Fringed Elegance tulip.

The Commodore is more well-known for his strict and orderly leadership, which earned him the title “The Whip”. But at the Fair, he’s often referred to as ‘The Tulip Whisperer’.

When asked about the secrets of his gardening success, Van Hoek compared tulip gardening to running a naval ship.

“Both regard precision. There is no room for error. Any pests, plagues, imperfections or deformities are simply stamped out. And I also like to sing to the tulips. It seems to improve their growth.” The Commodore is about to embark on a long journey to the East Indies to crack down on the ever-increasing scourge of piracy.

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