Archive Entry

La Bastide Gazette

By Patrick Petit

A mysterious disease makes its way from the Caribbean, with casualties mounting in the thousands. Victims complain of convulsions, large boils exploding upon the skin, and violent bouts of the bloody flux.

Worst are the livestock – oxen, dogs, pigs – left to rot on the streets. With the morgues filled to the brim, the dead are tossed into large pits dug from the ground, or piled high and set ablase, with bonfires burning solemnly through the night.

“It’s the work of the devil, and those damn pirates,” a merchant lamented, having procured safe passage from Guyana before the DMC enforced a blockage on the settlement. “Pirates raid our homes and bring the plague with them. I had to leave my precious cabbages behind!”

Other colonists have not been as lucky. Are pirate rogues to blame for expediting the spread of disease? With their untethered greed and mad thirst for violence, surely the Indian Ocean will not be spared in the coming weeks.

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