Archive Entry

The Open Seas Gazette

Attention to All! Beware of Bounty Hunter!

Annabelle “Three-Legs” Mcgillicuddy


All Heed the Call: The Marquis is a Menace to Free Piracy


Under the guise of being a pirate right and true, a man known only as “The Marquis” has made it his ultimate goal to hunt and kill brothers and sisters who proudly wave the black. Do not be fooled, the Marquis is now no different than the fiendish DMC, Compagnie Royale and the British Trade Alliance.

We’ve been made aware of their heinous acts of unprovoked brutality when the bodies of One-Eyed Willy, Dewi, The Blood-soaked, and Mike were all found hung by their neck.

All those who wish to pay their respected may come attend a funeral service by Karst Lookout at sundown.

Let it be known, beneath the soil of Karst Lookout lieth none other than the skulls of good pirates. Fallen heroes. Comrades in arms. May their deaths be a warning and rally cry. May their death not be in vain. May their names live in our songs for eternity.

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