Archive Entry

Dated: 1679

Bhakti Bramantya

Once, a little girl disobeyed her mother and stayed in the jungle past sunset.

She sought sweet pomelo for her sick grandma, and did not notice the wind suddenly cease its howling, nor the moon hiding its face behind the clouds.

“Who disturbs me?” a voice growled, as a harimau (tiger) slid into the glade. Dark stripes danced across its body and its face was shrouded with white cloth so only its piercing amber eyes could be seen.

The girl froze. Her mother had warned her of such a demon, and how it devoured children who crossed its path. “I seek fruit for Nenek (Grandma),” she said, timidly. “A granddaughter seek permission to pass.”

The creature’s eyes searched her soul. Had she helped her mother beat the sheets this morning? Was she studious at school? Did she obey her elders?

The tiger bowed. “The fruit you seek – it is often sweetest at home. “ Then it slunk back into the shadows.

The girl, still shaking, turned and ran home. She vowed never to ignore her mother’s warnings again.

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