Archive Entry

Volume I: Yarr Shadows Becometh of Ye

P.W Clay – Adventurer, Author and Dreamer

The shroud of time is a stupid wench and consumes the shreds of memory that make a life. However, so great a tale is the one of the Emerald Peninsula, that I still remember every adventure, every legendary odor, every moment of joy… and pain.

The saga commenced when I was only a young man fishing off the coast of the Lost City of Prei when she cometh: The Mermaid’s Tub. A whirling torrent from the water, and out emerged: Maria Postovo, the dread captain, followed by her crew. They all wore scars. More scars than skin. Twenty-eight scars each – all bear a story more gruesome than the last! I knew at that moment: adventure was boiling up in every crevice of this Lost City of Prei. Prei? Pray I did. For more adventure. And it came!

In the ruins, there I saw it: a Demon Siren made of cannons. She spotted me and approached, smoking a thousand cigarettes. She suddenly spoke words I shall never forget.

“I am the shadow and yarr weclome, to the Emerald… Peninsula”

Archive Details

Directions: Coming Soon

Video Guide: Coming Soon