Archive Entry

By: Huan Ben Song


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I was told from a merchant in the Ghats that a man from there, named Raja, was telling the history of Rempah at the assembly of the learned and noble ones.

For more than 100 years we have pushed backed the oppressors. They come and they rewrite our story.

We will not have it told by strangers. Not them, not our neighbours, the noblemen of the Ghats. It should be us recording it and correcting it, if only for posterity.

Long before the invaders, before the quarrels that poisoned our nation, before Abdu Jalil and before Ahmud Shah, there was a sovereign named Muzafer. It was on the fifth day of the way, on the 12th of the Month of Rabiul-Awal, in the year Dal.

It started when the Son of Muzafer, Supreme Sovereign of Nalwar, wished he would witness the rising of the Sun. He gather an army…

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Directions: Coming Soon

Video Guide: Coming Soon