Archive Entry

May 24th, 1692

Coridal salutations to the honorable members of the Orang Kaya,

The DMC has been true to is word. Our intervention has prevented the fall of the Sultanate of Rempah. We captured one traitor, Sultanah Haryati, she is our prisoner although not confined to a cell, but I digress. We are waiting to hear about the Admiral.

It is time you uphold your end of the bargain. Deliver her to the gallows, put an end to those insufferable squabbles. Only when she is gone can we discuss the price of peace. For now, the DMC will not be seen trading with an empire on the verge of being overthrown, even more so if threatened by women. Harpies.

Do not test our patience or generosity. Let us meet and retrieve the prizes we were promised. If you do not surrender the tin we negotiated and the lumberyard, we shall take it by force.

Yours truly

General Karel Van Kinckel.

Archive Details

Directions: Gained by plundering the capital settlemet, Suny.