Archive Entry

The Definition of Courage

Anonymous Warrior

The night floods the sea, but the rumbles of laughter and the flickering lights of a roaring fire keeps the cold winds to a whimper. We are anchored on this island, though I do not know for how long. The other sailors and I hang on to every one of Mentari’s words like a drop of water to parched lips. She is driven. On a scent that drives her mad. My fear for the woman rivals only my respect for her. I am not alone. Her maidens, Shoma and Yooka, are drawn to her too. If only I could hear the stories they’ve lived – just one could no doubt fill an entire book. I am jealous. I wish to laugh and shares stories with them, but I have not earned my place at the fire… not yet.

A pink hue filled the sky before the sun set today. There will be blood spilt tomorrow. I will try to rest, but all my waking eyes see is the blank page of a book titled with my name…

I must find my courage.

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