Archive Entry

The Dutch Intelligencer, June 3rd 1691


The Grand Opening of the East Indies Wing


PhD M.Gelder, Curator and Art Historian


LADA – Van Kinckel Rules Well!


The remarkable Commander of our forces has proven himself winning battle after battle and establishing a much needed peace. Thanks to him, a new shipment arrived from the East Indies with hundreds of items.

“Bukit Candi is the largest archeological site discovered in the region. Long abandoned by the lcoals because of tales of an ancient plague, its treasures were rotting in the rain before we rescued them.”

The general is confident more can be brought back including a golden Buddha, a gem encrusted gate and a dragon guarding is entrance.

When the question of cultural property was raised, the general said his hear broke at the idea of these treasures wasting away in the jungle, including the rubies he saved from the acid of wild animal feces.

The exotic marvels will be revealed to the public in a grand opening next month under the watchful eye of Princess Beatrix who dedicated a new wing of the Royal Museum to this region.

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