Archive Entry

Captains of the Fleet of Pestilence, the Indian Ocean is ours for the taking! Fear and chaos will be the foundation of our power. It will all be ours — silver, opium, and anything else we might dream of. Any who challenge us will pay with their lives. I don’t care if they are filthy pirates or the fucking megacorporations

Like any potent poison, we will spread and consume all in our path. The more enemies you defeat and the more spoils you bring in, the greater your reward. I know what it is you all crave — sweet smoke to dream away your afflictions. But you must earn your keep.

Now, go forth and spread our rule with rot and blood.

The Plague King

Captain Philippe La Peste.

Archive Details

Directions: This lore was part of the Season 1 lore drops awarded through weekly contracts. It is not yet known how this will be acquired.