Archive Entry

4 June 1690,

To second-in-command dunce Arnold,

You know I’ll always be grateful for your returning with me to Lanitra after the Schaduw Heist. I know how much it meant to you to follow Freeman to where his next glory took him.

Not being able to walk has rendered me even more of a recluse, if you can believe. Been doing an absurd amount of sitting and watching.

There’s so little of us left here.

John Scurlock has disappeared and no one knows to where and why. Perhaps he left for fear of the DMC’s retribution. We remain well defended though. Lookouts up on the masts round the clock as usual.

Remember when we used to work the night shift together? You’d abandon your post, walking along those ropes, almost falling to your death every time. We’d share what odd confectionary we managed to grab from the latest loot.

Return home safe to Lanitra.

Your chief idiot,


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