Archive Entry


I know how important this is to you. I know how much you want to see the lighthouse made whole again, for it was your father’s work. The Rempah could always count on his creations to mark our position or guide our ships to safety.

Bu you know very well by now the danger that surrounds you. You’ve seen the ships, heard the cannon-fire and even buried the bodies. You’re a shaper of stone, no wielder of steel. I’ve already lost Mentari. I do not want to lose another I care about.

No more sneaking here, for I will know. One day, when we know peace, I promise you may continue your work.
I will be sending Unbound to escort you home. They will sail south, past the wetlands and meet you in the coming days. Be ready, be safe.


Archive Details

Directions: Coming Soon

Video Guide: Coming Soon