Archive Entry

Today’s Menu – Nil

by Alen Slager

They’re taunting us, the goateed bastaards (bastards). I can hear them bleating and bleating from across the dark, shark-infested waters.

The bearded duivels (Devils) were lucky enough to have ashore on one of these three islands, all by themselves. Not so fortunate for the rest of us who can’t feast on foliage, eh? There’s nothing but sand, stone, and the hair off the heads on what’s left of my crew over on this side of the Three Brothers isles.

What I wouldn’t do for a schaapskotelet (mutton chops) right now. A sweet, juicy slab of shank and shoulder, slowly roasted over the campfire, with the smell of fat and iron dripping down… feed the ravenous flames…

Well. One can pretend it’s mutton, can’t we?

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