Archive Entry

The Compagnie Seizes Another Gold Mine

Cyril Le Corre, 29 July 1694

His Majesty High King Asafa Okar was dealt another blow on Sunday when another gold mine on the city outskirts was seized by Compagnie forces, who suffered minimal casualties after a protracted skirmish with loyalist forces.

The Dhababu Mine, located north-east of Jiwe Capital, has seen its share of turmoil, its ownership changing hands in tandem with the city’s fortunes, which has increasingly come under pressure from tribes to the north and raiders from the eastern seas.

“First, it was the Fara raiders who came in their boats. Then, it was the men with their elephants and funny headdresses. Now, these soldiers shout orders at us in their colorful accents and coats,” a worker at the mine said, declining to give his name. “The sun still shines on our backs and we still get whipped. But as least these soldiers don’t understand what we cuss at them.”

This latest setback is sure to cripple the Confederacy’s war effort, allowing our forces to advance in Coast of Africa.

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