Archive Entry

The Lost Heroes of Rempah


By: Huan Ben Song


Table of Contents


Page 1-22 Ahmel-Din, the One-Man Cannon

A tale of great heroism in which Ahmel-Din saved his entire village by stealing a cannon and carrying it on his back for many days, appearing to be an entire army. He was a one-man cannon.

Page 23-44 Delima the Hornbill

The tale of Delima the Hornbill, still living to this day, a cawing miracle. The sidekick to Melati Yung Fung, a denizen of Telok Penjarah. Delima was a bird of war for Sultanah Haryati. It was she who alerted Rempah of a DMC invasion and stole the wigs of five different DMC Generals, all very evil.

Page 45-89 Jaya “Porcupine Hands” Hadi

Jayachandra Hadi was a distinguished member of the Unbound. When Admiral Rahma first met her, she had fled an abusive marriage. She became famous for using porcupine skin gloves to punch heads off when boarding the enemy’s ships. This tale recounts how she took down 50 Dutchmen singlehandedly with only a wooden spoon and her “Porcupine Hands”

Archive Details

Directions: Coming Soon

Video Guide: Coming Soon