Archive Entry

This secret has been kept in my family for generations. It has nourished us and made us strong. Now, it is yours too. May it grant you courage in these dark times and joy when we find victory.


  • 4 Tilapias
  • 1 Big Sweet Potato
  • 1 Big Potatoes
  • 1 Big Onion
  • 3 Cloves of Garlic
  • Salt and Pepper
  • Oil


Cook the onions in oil till translucent, then add potato and when it begins to break down, add the garlic, salt, and pepper. Place the tilapia in the middle and on the top to avoid sticking. Add a little water and let it simmer for 30-60 minutes till the liquid has reduced to form a thick sauce. Remember to move the fish so that all parts are cooked evenly. Serve hot with rice.

Archive Details

Directions: Coming Soon

Video Guide: Coming Soon