Archive Entry

10 March 1695

Dearest Father,

I know that we are not on speaking terms and you loathe the very mention of my name. However, I write to you to extend an olive branch. While you have been serving your just sentence, I have been hard at work, restoring our family name.

By the time you read this letter, I would have vanquished the foul pirate John Scurlock and all his nasty cronies. Promotion is a certainty, as is the transfer to a post near your goal in the Meditteranean.

I will endeavour to secure your early release and have your prize ship outfitted with crew and goods. It will take time, but with our combined efforts, things can go back the way they were. With you holding a lofty merchant rank and myself rising further up the military strata.

I write to mother regularly. She misses you and eagerly awaits your return. Our reconciliation would ease her pain. She should not suffer for our mistakes, let us put wounded pride behind us for her sake.

Your son,

Francis Caradec

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