Archive Entry

The Doom of the Sea People
Chapter IX, Vol. II

by Isabella Sexton

Though mostly regard today as a stopover for vessels peddling lumber to Tenina Town, Vorona Falls was once the seat of the empire ruled by the Vazimba, ancient forefathers of the Sea People. Theirs was a proud, mighty people, well-versed in the ways of high culture and war. Oral records still speak of lush gardens gilded with alabaster, and weapons capable of flensing a man’s skin from his bones.

The reign of this enigmatic civilisation is said to have ended in a violent cataclysm. On this, details are scant – the Sea People do not speak of it themselves, as if it were a trauma still fresh in their minds. What terrible disaster sunk their capital? A marauding foe? Or perhaps some dread leviathan from the deep, of a size unimaginable to modern minds?

One cannot sail through Vorona Falls without thinking on the remains of that drowned city. In its torrents of plunging water, the cries of its riven people can almost still be heard, echoing through rock and time to this day.

Archive Details

Dominion and Disaster can be found at the Vorona Falls Outpost.

From your rowboat, bear left across and follow the small stream.

Go through the archway and keep on bearing left.

The archive can be found in a small room next to the water barrel pickup, resting atop a barrel with a lantern.