Archive Entry

21 October, 1695


Memorandum for record: Official Request for Dialogue


It has come to our attention that the Helm is operating in Rempahnese waters and engaging in activity that profits off contraband. As such, we demand full access to the facilities with Palka Buta in Telok Penjarah.

The right to use all facilities that fall under the jurisdiction of the Rempah is enforced by divine law – so decreed by the Sultanah and the Sultan. Admiral Rahma is no longer working among our ranks and we would maintain this distinction despite her service to us.

The poppy may be seen as a scourge, but it is also part of our national pride. What the colonialists have done with it is a scar on the face of our dignity. The scars are an everlasting reminder of the cost of selling one’s soul to the DMC. For our independence from them, we will fight to the bitter end. In exchange for your cooperation, we guarantee safety to the ships under the Helm’s influence.

The right Admiral Fehmeed Alauddin, General of the 9th Battalion.

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