Archive Entry

16 June 1663


I remind you that I grant you free access to my waters so long as you keep your greedy paws out of my business. As you know, cannon powder, ginseng and jade are lucrative products. My products. Products that fund my revolution. You touch one dime of profit from my trade again or so much as spit on the gunnels of one of my ships, I will stuff those gaudy rings you wear down your wrinkly bloated throat.

While we are on the subject, your men carry themselves a little too freely when they make port in Telok Penjarah. I suggest you give them a stern talking to. With that being said, Betty at the tavern says their coin is generous, so we will spare them and their coarseness… for only a bit longer.


Admiral Rahma, Protector of Telok Penjarah.

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