Archive Entry

15 February 1689

Dear Sir Cauche,

I thank you for your letter. I am glad to have received you and your men to Guerande last month. It has been most fascinating to learn about your culture and beliefs.

Unfortunately, I bring ill tidings. My father, High King Asandara of the Clan of Fara, has suspended all future trade missions and visits to our land. He thanks you for your gifts, but says there can be no future affairs between our clans. Our people have a saying: “He that beats the drum for the mad man to dance is no better than the mad man himself.” We may share the same goals of suppressing the Sea People, but I am afraid that will be the extent of our common interests and future.

For now, I would advise you to leave Fort Louis with haste. My father is thirsty for more of your French brandy and may decide to send a large delegation in the coming month.

Stay safe, my friend. Perhaps on day I shall visit this village you call “Paris”.


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