Archive Entry

5 February, 1689

My Dear Ranavalona,

We bring more goods and gifts to Guerande next month. Your father seemed to tolerate our presence once he sampled some of our fine French brandy.

And just for you, I am bringing one of the brightest and most brilliant diamonds we’ve mined off the Coast of Coast of Africa. It is almost as dazzling as your eyes, which I remember well.

Soon, we shall gift your people other wares, like advanced tools and weaponry, to assist your fight against the Sea People. Maybe we’ll even show you how to build our stone forts that tower over the tallest trees of your land. My people will show you how to make the most of the resources you have.

I, for one, am glad to lead this trade delegation once more. If I did not, I would not have met you. Your people are strong and proud, but there is still so much we can show you about this world.

Francois Cauche

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