Archive Entry

La Bastide Gazette

Sterling Sailor Pokes Hole in Pyrate Operations

by Jean-Guy Choquet

It was a bloodbath. The Puissant stumbled upon an orgy of pyrates on Moyenne Crique and atrocities ensued. Our sailors held fast even as more of the devils emerged. However, a twist of infernal luck turned the tides.

A stray shot flew the hole in Seychelles Rock and struck the Puissant’s powder room. 20 sailors were turned to cinders with the Captain and Sailing Master among them. Fate had spurned our compatriots

It is a testament to the fortitude of these young mariners that none sunk into despair. Yet, bravery alone would not save them, these valiant hearts needed a pillar to rally around. Third Mate Caradec, who voice rose above the din of cannon fire, was unshakable.

The Puissant and her skeleton crew, led by Caradec, vanquished all foes and confiscated contraband. A ceremony at sea was conducted for the Compagnie lives lost.

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