Archive Entry

21 February, 1691, Sainte Anne

Dearest Bagus,

I got the cannon you sent. Your handiwork once again proves the Saputra family knows iron as though it ran through their veins.

I thought about our last conversation, about vengeance and righteous justice. I don’t know that I understand it all but I like a friend who’s not ashamed to open their heart. It’s right, what you said. Anger can fuel people, make them strong in battle. I hope it makes you strong for your wife and that lil’ one you lost. It ain’t fair what’s happened to you.

But anger, sometimes you know, it eats your soul, it consumes you. One day a beetle bit me whilst I was striking the iron and I broke a good sword. I was angry and I smashed the lil’ devil into the cinders, cause I didn’t think. My palm still bears that scar. What I’m trying to say is, anger can make you do silly things you know.

Don’t let it.

Your friend,

Tommy aka Thomas Raferty


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