Archive Entry

It was all Cornelis’ fault. The stommeling (imbecile) pissed off the sultan by bringing that translator whose people almost conquered the sultanate not long ago.

When Cornelis refused to apologise, the sultan’s daughter challenged him to a duel. Guess who walked away with their head still on afterward?

Eventually, the sultan let the rest of us go but I wonder if any of us will make it home alive. Lately, every day has brought storms, vicious pirates or someone else falling deathly ill. The crew whispers that we’ve all been cursed for Cornelis’ idiocy. Even this island looks like a shark’s maw about to devour us whole…

Maybe things will look better once we restock at that DMC outpost to the east. We’re low on everything except those damn spice.

All this trouble just to bring back some pepper and nutmeg. They’d better be worth something once we get home.

Archive Details

Directions: Coming Soon

Video Guide: Coming Soon