Archive Entry

To all ships departing for the East:

You have been chose to commence trade with our Eastern partners. You must know, the vile pirate Rahma has started before us. Do everything in your power to identify her contacts and be amiable to the locals, even if we must reduce our prices.

We must turn her partners into our friends, allies. She is getting her gunpowder from them. If you must use bribes to obtain her sources, use your stipend, mark down the amount in your logbook and report it to your captain. You are the living symbols of Dutch nobility and honour across the ocean. Your posture, uniform, etiquette, physical fitness and speech, must exhibit Dutch propriety and strength in the face of the mercurial East.

Lastly, be aware of the various temptations that abound. Even more dangerous than their capricious and exotic women is the highly addictive opium. Avoid both, lest our work go up into a cloud of dreamy smoke.

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Directions: Coming Soon

Video Guide: Coming Soon