Archive Entry

12 April 1692


I write to bring to your attention an urgent matter regarding a fellow Unbound and close friend of mine, Bulan.

She had been missing training and neglecting her duties. When asked, she gave me flimsy excuses. Such behaviour is not like her, so one night, I followed her.

I witnessed her meeting with a man late at night upon the shore. She called him Hessel. Captain Hessel. His ship bobbed in the distant dark — large, formidable and flying DMC flags.

At first, I thought this some secret mission she couldn’t tell me about. But their intimate manner suggested otherwise.

I just know this captain plans to use sweet Bulan to hurt the Rempah. I trust you will investigate this matter and deal with him accordingly. We must stand strong against the Dutch and their cunning ways. Should you need anything from me, I am yours to command.

Lastly, I hope you will be merciful to Bulan. Knowing her, she must have been led astray by the Dutchman’s honeyed lies.

Unbound Kartini.

Archive Details

Directions: Coming Soon

Video Guide: Coming Soon