A cunning military strategist and rebel leader, Admiral Rahma is the Den Kingpin of Telok Penjarah.

  • Occupation: Pirate Kingpin & leader of the Rempah insurgency
  • Location: Telok Penjarah
  • Nationality: Rempahnese
  • Known Associates: Fredryck Teuling, John Scurlock, Captain Uricko Freeman
  • Ship: The Machmud, possibly a Brig.


Not much is known about Rahma’s early life; she was raised and educated alongside Sultanah Haryati, the now deposed leader of the Sultanate of Rempah. It is likely that as part of that education, Rahma received lessons on military strategy alongside other topics covering the execution of warfare. Rahma is credited with taking experimental torpedo designs and improving on them.

Perhaps due to the close bond with the former Rempah sovereign, Rahma was installed as the commander of an elite naval fleet called the Unbound.

Over the years, Rahma has built a strong reputation for being loyal to the Sultanah, displaying steady leadership, and exploiting intelligence sources to achieve her military goals. Rahma values the rule of law and due process in bringing stability and expects her captains to follow those rules over making individual judgments, which could destabilize the military hierarchy of her command.

As a result of a successful coup by the Orang Kaya in 1692, Rahma and the Unbound escaped to Telok Penjarah. She was allegedly involved in the kidnapping of the Sultanah; however, this was later discovered to be Dutch propaganda to ensure that the people of Rempah did not rally to her cause.

Rahma continues to be vilified by the Dutch and the Orang Kaya and is often referred to as a traitor or pirate. Despite this continued narrative, she has outfoxed the Dutch and the puppet state, the Dominion of Rempah, for years.

She has been actively hunted by a number of DMC navy and privateers, such as Commodore Vanderkill, General Karel von Kinckel, and Captain Jacob de Roy.

Following the coup, Rahma has sought the expertise of other freedom fighters and pirates, including a chance opportunity to work with John Scurlock during the recovery of cargo belonging to the Indiaman, Sylvia, ultimately leading to the demise of Commodore Vanderkill and his ship Wolvenjager in naval action.

At some point following those events, Rahma lost her appetite for sailing and her flagship, the Machmud, and instead lives through the actions of her agents.

In recent years, Rahma’s cautious approach in leading the insurgency has led to some of her more hotheaded captains and advisors taking matters into their own hands, which has unfortunately led to their messy demise at the hands of unscrupulous Dutch pirate hunters. These actions weigh heavily on Rahma’s conscience, leading her to doubt her leadership and her strategy.

This may lead her down the path to seek more unusual methods of waging war against the Dutch and their allies.

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