Archive Entry

Sainte-Anne, 1693

Dearest Louisa,

Sainte-Anne is a bustling port! You would not believe how it attracts the liveliest pirates from all corners of the Indian Ocean. I am but a schooner amongst the sea of naval frigates; and as luck would have it, the great Scurlock – pirate lord of Sainte-Anne – has taken a fancy to me. He requested my audience, a rare gesture I heard, and has taken me under his wing. Rest assured, though he may be a pirate, my job to transport goods for the Pirate Round is honest work.

In these few months, I have made friends with the locals. They are surprisingly friendly, although I get the sense that they are unhappy about the Compagnie. I could still remember their faces when some Compagnie Commander sallied ashore and made a proclamation to rename the port to “Saint-Anne.”

Howbeit, I am enjoying my growing fortune and hope that you will join me soon. Once I have a decent abode, I shall send word and money for your journey.


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