Archive Entry

To the Honorable Commodore van Hoek,

Beneath their tight harnesses and starched tunics marks the primal need of your men and women.

Already, your soldiers have the most difficult task of pacifying Rahma and her traitorous rebels, and securing the East Indies for the DMC’s profits. We have heard… incidents of soldiers stealing liquor and harassing civilians in the local settlements. This will not bode well for the DMC’s reputation. Instead, why not give your men sufficient avenues to blow off steam and recover their resolve?

For a nominal fee and exclusive rights to your supply of poppy seeds, we could offer you and your crew access to our network of Opium dens, their choice of illicit companionship, and of course, an unlimited supply of White Skull Rum.

We also hear you have taken a liking to Javanese batik and other local, exotic goods. We would be more than happy to send over a shipment or two, to sweeten our deal.

Though our ears may be sharp, you can trust our lips are sealed. We await your favourable reply.

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