Archive Entry

June 1695

Coconuts? Who gets the last coconut, honestly?

Hendrick and Willem always did squabble over the stupidest thing, even before we joined flags as the Van Cleve Brothers pirate brothers.

All I care about is captaining my own ship and roaming the seas, no longer governed by annoying DMC rules and regulations.

I couldn’t be bothered in this coconut debacle so things went south… as did Willem, while Hendrick went east. I doubt they went beyond the open seas. Too many towers and patrols out there.

As for me, I’m enjoying the peace and quiet of The Devil’s Horn. Heard it made an excellent hideout for a beleaguered French pirate once. Funny I’m not hiding from merchant companies but my own flesh and blood.

I’ll give things time to cool down, then see if I can help sort this mess out. The pirate brothers might not always see eye to eye, but we have enough enemies as it is.

Better we take our chances together than trying to make it on our own.

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Directions: Coming Soon

Video Guide: Coming Soon