Archive Entry

December 6th, 1693

To: My Dearest Pirate


We fought many battles you and I, and yet the DMC has learned nothing and are still in need of a good spanking, but I’m done being sour for the day. If I have learned anything, it is that wars are won not only by creating a legacy on the battlefield, but also by celebrating, by living in the imagination of people.

So it starts tomorrow, a party at my house. Consider this your formal invitation. Melati and Yanti organised it. I hear Gert has arranged to dress you as a demon.

It is a surprise for me and our fellow pirates, the anniversary of my arrival. A place where I can be my true self, where I believe we all can. So remember, when you come, act surprised.

I hope you join us, people will be pleased to see you.


It is a surprise, but you may as well bring something to drink. Olivier will be there and it seems liquids vaporise as soon as they touch his tankard.

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