Archive Entry

April 13th, 1693

My Dearest Grandmama,

Since I have arrived here in Oosten with Papa, my beliefs in what makes our world civilised have been rather shaken. It pretends to be like home, except it is nothing like it. In the settlement all I am taught is to embroider flowers that don’t even grow here whilse our enemies’ ranks are filled with these warrior women.

This place has been ruled by Sultanahs for five generations before we came. The men don’t like it any more than those at home, but they fight, they refuse to be silenced. What have I done to improve out condition?

I know eight types of spoons and which one is exclusively for bouillon. Is this truly the progress we bring to those savage isles? This and our paved roads I suppose.

Last night I found myself rooting for this madwoman, dreaming of joining her ranks. Then I was tied to a windmill and while spinning, a clog flew from my foot and knocked down the Commodore.

I imagine this is the heat speaking, let’s hope I get used to it.

Anna De Groesberg

Archive Details

Directions: Gained by plundering the settlement Oosten Capital.