This is a build made for megafort plunders for solo players, works with others aswell. I recommend only using one in a group. This build is made with an upgraded 2/6 padewakang.

Picture incoming with website update

Ship: Padewakang 2/6 upgrade
Front: Mons Meg
Port: Scurlock Long Nines
Starboard: Mons Meg
Back: Scurlock Long Nines
Auxiliary: Leopold
Armor: Ouroboros
Major Furniture: Scoping Station (marks ennemies who takes 100% more weakpoint damage)
Minor Furniture: Vat of Volatiles (increase damage to structures by 15%)
Minor Furniture: Bombard Works (increase elemental damage by 19%)
Minor Furniture: Fatana Station (increase damage to structure by 12%)
Minor Furniture: Bombard Menuiserie (increase damage by 10% / increase damage to structure by 8%)

I’ve worked this build around the padewakang perk, allowing him to deal more damages to structures.

It turned out to be the best possible build for plundering forts.

I’ve chosen to use the mons megs on the starboard and front, dealing more damages to structures and allowing you to circle around the fort, to avoid possible mortar shots.
The port and back slot being scurlock long nines, allowing you to get a precise shot on the target, to mark it, and switch to mons meg do deal the most damages. The mast breaker will allow you to get the advantage on enemy ships.
For the auxialiary, I’ve chosen the mortar for his better efficiency and range, when doing solo forts, it’s easier and less risky to use them, but the thermites are more efficient.

Regarding the armor, the best one would be Black Prince, but since this build is around plundering, the ouroboros is the best choice when doing DMC forts and plunders.

For the furnitures, we boost our damages to the maximum possible, to destroy the fort defenses as fast as possible, so you can focus your attention on the reinforcement.