This is a build made for pieces of eight factory run, it is built around speed, stamina consumption and rogue spawn.

Ship: Brigantine
Front: Scurlocks Long Nines
Port: Dardanelles Gun
Starboard: Dardanelles Gun
Back: Dardanelles Gun
Auxiliary: Leopold
Armor: Black Prince
Major Furniture: Rope Locker (acceleration 300% when trim activated at full stamina)
Minor Furniture: Balanced Mast (increase accel and decel by 8%)
Minor Furniture: Leather Rope Grips (reduce stamina usage when trim by 15%)
Minor Furniture: Lightened Mast (increase accel by 13%)
Minor furniture: Bombard works (increase elemental damage by 19%)

Dps Calculator coming soon

When doing coin runs for the helm, it can be tidius, take a long time, have a high food usage. So we thought about this build to aid our gameplay toward an easier and more efficient way to collect coins.

We chose the brigantine for the simple reason that it is the fastest ship currently in the game, and his furniture slots allows him to have more options. Only 4 furnitures are necessary on this build, so if want to use another ship, feel free, but you’ll loose the big speed advantage

For the furniture, the most important one being the Rope Locker, allows you to have a huge acceleration when starting at full stamina, since we are stopping a lot in between each cities, having such an advantage is critical.
After that, we use the balanced mast for a higher acceleration, and deceleration, allowing the player to have a better maneuvrability in rivers or sharp turns. The lightened mast, allowing another acceleration boost. And the leather rope grips for a lower stamina usage while trimming.
At last, bombard grindstone for higher damages, to help you defeat the rogues faster when they spawn.

You can modify those furnitures for a food-free one, with using Rum pantry, sate kamping and Water tank, but in that case, you’ll need to stop trimming and wait a few seconds for a refuel, if managed properly using momentum, you can do runs without loosing much time.

Concerning weapons, I chose those because of their range and damages, allowing you to deal with rogues the fastest possible way, if have issues with dardanelle, feel free to use fire bombard or scurlock long nines.